

由12个县组成的大cq9电子地区是美国最大、最多样化的商业地区之一. In our role as the cq9电子 经济发展 Council, the Partnership is proud to represent all twelve counties that comprise the cq9电子 region. cq9电子的战略, central location coupled with the infrastructure of four of the country's largest ports, 两个国际机场和主要的高速公路和铁路服务使它成为一个充满活力的工业枢纽. 各国还带来了自己的特色和激励措施,吸引了从先进制造业到生物技术等行业. 探索 what makes each area of our region unique. 

The 12 Counties of the Greater cq9电子 Region



哈里斯县 is the largest of the 12 counties in the Greater cq9电子 region. Almost three-quarters of the county are covered by the city of cq9电子 and thirty smaller communities; only about 27 percent of the county is rural. The county comprises 1,778 square miles and is the largest Texas county east of the Nueces River. 哈里斯县 transportation systems serve intrastate and interstate needs with six major railroads hauling freight to distribution centers and to the port; Amtrak provides passenger rail service while METRO provides light rail and passenger bus service. 公共汽车, 卡车和客车利用包括10号州际公路东部和西部和45号州际公路北部和南部的高速公路网络. U.S. Highway 59 crosses the county from northeast to southwest and goes to the Rio Grande valley, and U.S. 290号公路经奥斯汀通往西德克萨斯. Loop 610 encircles the heart of cq9电子, 第二个循环, 环城公路8, allows traffic to move around the perimeter of the urban sector. Two major airports, George Bush Intercontinental and William P. 爱好,都在cq9电子市. Leading sectors include health care, trade, service and education. 











哈里斯县工业公司 & 著名的雇主
哈里斯县 经济发展 Organizations


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The 清湖/湾区's two traditional industry clusters, aerospace and specialty chemical have been joined in recent years by growing health care, 海事及旅游业. 由于该地区人口的增长和为居民提供的新设施的到来,保健得到了提振. 毗邻加尔维斯顿湾地区的海上增长主要归功于该地区港口基础设施的主导地位. 滨水区和受欢迎的娱乐中心,如凯马木板路,当然还有cq9电子航天中心,推动了旅游业/酒店业的发展. 

该地区位于市中心东南约20英里处,也是美国第三大休闲划船中心以及一系列业余运动的集中地, 户外活动, 海滩和公园.

5英里内的劳动力: 79,700
房屋价值中位数: $234,900
家庭收入中位数: $73,900

Just 30 miles northwest of Downtown along US 290, 赛普拉斯区拥有多元化的劳动力和各种教育机构,具有亲商的文化. 历史上的乡村社区, 今天的柏树已经成为该地区最受欢迎的郊区住宅区之一,这要归功于丰富且相对经济实惠的住房.  

Major industries in the area include manufacturing, 建设, 石油和天然气, 教育和保健.

5英里内的劳动力: 436,700
房屋价值中位数: $264,000
家庭收入中位数: $80,700

高耸的摩天大楼, dynamic entertainment scene and growing residential population, cq9电子市中心 has become one of the most active central business districts in the nation.

超过5000万平方英尺的办公空间集中在市中心的数十座建筑中. 大约3,500 businesses operate within the district including the headquarters of ten Fortune 500 companies, among the highest concentrations in the state of Texas. Those businesses employ more than 150,000 workers. 以外的cq9游戏, Downtown's ongoing revitalization includes more restaurant, nightlife and entertainment options as well as urban parks, 四个专业体育场馆和数以千计的新住宅单元正在帮助创建一个更有活力的地区. 

五英里内的劳动力: 764,700
地区家庭收入中位数: $61,300

cq9游戏走廊是一个大约七英里长的区域,位于8号环城公路和大公园路之间的I-10公路两侧. It's located immediately north of the Westchase business district. 大量的cq9游戏公司, cq9游戏服务公司和其他行业的企业在走廊设有办事处,其办公面积超过2600万平方英尺.

5英里内的劳动力: 272,200
房屋价值中位数: $310,000
家庭收入中位数: $74,600

科技公司, 初创公司和其他公司将享受cq9电子中城新兴创新走廊的协同效应. 

创新走廊是一个非常强大的社会和经济融合的中心. The four-mile-long Corridor is linked by light-rail, 自行车道, 和人行道,并提供方便的访问关键行业和机构的球员以及无与伦比的设施阵列.

At the center of the Corridor is the 创新 District, clustered around a historic art deco building at the southern end of 中城 that is now The Ion. 莱斯大学正在开发9.4-acre 创新 District that will bring the area's entrepreneurial, corporate and academic communities together. 包括非营利组织cq9电子指数在内的一些团体将在项目完成后入住.

Stretching from Downtown south through the Medical Center, 这条四英里长的创新走廊为关键行业和机构参与者提供了便利,并提供了无与伦比的便利设施.

5英里内的劳动力: 240,300
房屋价值中位数: $406,000
家庭收入中位数: $78,100


Located roughly 30 miles north of Downtown and just northeast of Bush Intercontinental Airport, cq9电子湖社区和周边地区为寻求高质量学校的居民提供了丰富的环境, 小径, 公园和湖泊设施. 对于那些希望靠近机场和cq9电子港的公司来说,它也是一个很好的物流中心.

5英里内的劳动力: 86,500
房屋价值中位数: $245,000
家庭收入中位数: $90,200

The Texas Medical Center employs over 106,000人, hosts 10 million patient encounters annually, and has a gross domestic product of $25 billion.

德克萨斯医疗中心(台湾记忆体公司)是一家二级医疗机构.1-square-mile medical district and neighborhood in south-central cq9电子, Texas. By square footage it’s the eight largest business district in the nation. 60多家医疗机构, largely concentrated in a triangular area between Brays Bayou, 莱斯大学, 和赫尔曼公园, 是德克萨斯医疗中心公司的成员吗?这是一个非营利性的伞形组织,它构成了世界上最大的医疗综合体.

台湾记忆体公司 has an extremely high density of clinical facilities for patient care, 基础科学, 以及转化研究. 台湾记忆体公司由metro红线提供服务,该红线将该地区连接到cq9电子市中心和沿着城市创新走廊的NRG公园. 

5英里内的劳动力: 254,300
家庭收入中位数: $81,900

The 50-mile cq9电子 航道 serves as one of the region's top trade gateways to the world. 

Stretching 50 miles from the Gulf of Mexico to the heart of city, the cq9电子 航道 is the largest trade hub for the metropolitan region. Originally built in 1914 along the pathway of Buffalo Bayou, the Channel has been widened and deepened over the decades. 今天,这条海峡是cq9电子和世界其他地方之间远洋船只的通道. 数十家公司, from agriculture traders to petrochemical manufacturers, 在船舶通道上有cq9游戏,允许他们将货物和服务运送到都会区吗.

房屋价值中位数: $145,000
家庭收入中位数: $47,700


Once known affectionately as the Galleria area thanks to the eponymous mall, 今天的cq9电子上城区是一个密集的商业和零售区,距离市中心以西仅六英里. Centered along Post Oak Boulevard and Westheimer Road, 该地区林立的摩天大楼和熙熙攘攘的活动使其成为许多将cq9电子称为总部的公司的著名地址. 上城区面积约为1,000 acres and is among the top 20 business and shopping districts in the nation. 

5英里内的劳动力: 319,100
房屋价值中位数: $265,000
家庭收入中位数: $94,200

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The 清湖/湾区's two traditional industry clusters, aerospace and specialty chemical have been joined in recent years by growing health care, 海事及旅游业. 由于该地区人口的增长和为居民提供的新设施的到来,保健得到了提振. 毗邻加尔维斯顿湾地区的海上增长主要归功于该地区港口基础设施的主导地位. 滨水区和受欢迎的娱乐中心,如凯马木板路,当然还有cq9电子航天中心,推动了旅游业/酒店业的发展. 

该地区位于市中心东南约20英里处,也是美国第三大休闲划船中心以及一系列业余运动的集中地, 户外活动, 海滩和公园.

5英里内的劳动力: 79,700
房屋价值中位数: $234,900
家庭收入中位数: $73,900

Just 30 miles northwest of Downtown along US 290, 赛普拉斯区拥有多元化的劳动力和各种教育机构,具有亲商的文化. 历史上的乡村社区, 今天的柏树已经成为该地区最受欢迎的郊区住宅区之一,这要归功于丰富且相对经济实惠的住房.  

Major industries in the area include manufacturing, 建设, 石油和天然气, 教育和保健.

5英里内的劳动力: 436,700
房屋价值中位数: $264,000
家庭收入中位数: $80,700

高耸的摩天大楼, dynamic entertainment scene and growing residential population, cq9电子市中心 has become one of the most active central business districts in the nation.

超过5000万平方英尺的办公空间集中在市中心的数十座建筑中. 大约3,500 businesses operate within the district including the headquarters of ten Fortune 500 companies, among the highest concentrations in the state of Texas. Those businesses employ more than 150,000 workers. 以外的cq9游戏, Downtown's ongoing revitalization includes more restaurant, nightlife and entertainment options as well as urban parks, 四个专业体育场馆和数以千计的新住宅单元正在帮助创建一个更有活力的地区. 

五英里内的劳动力: 764,700
地区家庭收入中位数: $61,300

cq9游戏走廊是一个大约七英里长的区域,位于8号环城公路和大公园路之间的I-10公路两侧. It's located immediately north of the Westchase business district. 大量的cq9游戏公司, cq9游戏服务公司和其他行业的企业在走廊设有办事处,其办公面积超过2600万平方英尺.

5英里内的劳动力: 272,200
房屋价值中位数: $310,000
家庭收入中位数: $74,600

科技公司, 初创公司和其他公司将享受cq9电子中城新兴创新走廊的协同效应. 

创新走廊是一个非常强大的社会和经济融合的中心. The four-mile-long Corridor is linked by light-rail, 自行车道, 和人行道,并提供方便的访问关键行业和机构的球员以及无与伦比的设施阵列.

At the center of the Corridor is the 创新 District, clustered around a historic art deco building at the southern end of 中城 that is now The Ion. 莱斯大学正在开发9.4-acre 创新 District that will bring the area's entrepreneurial, corporate and academic communities together. 包括非营利组织cq9电子指数在内的一些团体将在项目完成后入住.

Stretching from Downtown south through the Medical Center, 这条四英里长的创新走廊为关键行业和机构参与者提供了便利,并提供了无与伦比的便利设施.

5英里内的劳动力: 240,300
房屋价值中位数: $406,000
家庭收入中位数: $78,100


Located roughly 30 miles north of Downtown and just northeast of Bush Intercontinental Airport, cq9电子湖社区和周边地区为寻求高质量学校的居民提供了丰富的环境, 小径, 公园和湖泊设施. 对于那些希望靠近机场和cq9电子港的公司来说,它也是一个很好的物流中心.

5英里内的劳动力: 86,500
房屋价值中位数: $245,000
家庭收入中位数: $90,200

The Texas Medical Center employs over 106,000人, hosts 10 million patient encounters annually, and has a gross domestic product of $25 billion.

德克萨斯医疗中心(台湾记忆体公司)是一家二级医疗机构.1-square-mile medical district and neighborhood in south-central cq9电子, Texas. By square footage it’s the eight largest business district in the nation. 60多家医疗机构, largely concentrated in a triangular area between Brays Bayou, 莱斯大学, 和赫尔曼公园, 是德克萨斯医疗中心公司的成员吗?这是一个非营利性的伞形组织,它构成了世界上最大的医疗综合体.

台湾记忆体公司 has an extremely high density of clinical facilities for patient care, 基础科学, 以及转化研究. 台湾记忆体公司由metro红线提供服务,该红线将该地区连接到cq9电子市中心和沿着城市创新走廊的NRG公园. 

5英里内的劳动力: 254,300
家庭收入中位数: $81,900

The 50-mile cq9电子 航道 serves as one of the region's top trade gateways to the world. 

Stretching 50 miles from the Gulf of Mexico to the heart of city, the cq9电子 航道 is the largest trade hub for the metropolitan region. Originally built in 1914 along the pathway of Buffalo Bayou, the Channel has been widened and deepened over the decades. 今天,这条海峡是cq9电子和世界其他地方之间远洋船只的通道. 数十家公司, from agriculture traders to petrochemical manufacturers, 在船舶通道上有cq9游戏,允许他们将货物和服务运送到都会区吗.

房屋价值中位数: $145,000
家庭收入中位数: $47,700


Once known affectionately as the Galleria area thanks to the eponymous mall, 今天的cq9电子上城区是一个密集的商业和零售区,距离市中心以西仅六英里. Centered along Post Oak Boulevard and Westheimer Road, 该地区林立的摩天大楼和熙熙攘攘的活动使其成为许多将cq9电子称为总部的公司的著名地址. 上城区面积约为1,000 acres and is among the top 20 business and shopping districts in the nation. 

5英里内的劳动力: 319,100
房屋价值中位数: $265,000
家庭收入中位数: $94,200





From energy and life sciences to manufacturing and aerospace, the cq9电子 region offers a dynamic infrastructure to support a number of thriving core industries.

税 & 激励

cq9电子 offers a highly competitive business environment at a favorable cost. 州和地方的激励措施以及优惠的税收结构使该地区成为吸引各种规模公司开展cq9游戏的地方.

人才 & 劳动力


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Vice President, Regional 经济发展
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